Natural therapies can help a wide range of health conditions. These include:
Musculo-skeletal, e.g. back pain, neck and shoulder restriction, frozen shoulder, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tennis Elbow
Sports Injuries
Foot disorders
Digestive problems, e.g. IBS, Crohn's Colitis
Respiratory problems, e.g. Asthma
Hay fever
Urinary tract problems, e.g incontinence, UTI
Hormonal Imbalance, Infertility
Stress related conditions, e.g. anxiety and depression,
Phobias, Smoking cessation
Behavioural problems, e.g. ADHD
Skin conditions and complaints, e.g. acne, eczema, psoriasis
Headaches and migraines
For teenagers, children and babies, e.g. colicky crying, sluggish bowel movements, poor sleep patterns and difficulties, involuntary urination, growing pains, acne, childhood eczema and asthma, learning difficulties, delayed speech
Stroke recovery
Management of the symptoms of chronic conditions eg Parkinsons Disease
Unsure of which therapeutic approach is best for you? Call 07964298337 to discuss your needs.
We can guide you.