Bowen Therapy & Kinesiology
1) Curious about Bowen Therapy? Not sure if it will meet your needs?
****Taster Session for only £20****
A great opportunity to meet Julia, discuss your health requirements and experience Bowen.
2) Student discount - £5 off full price appointments. Student ID/card must be available for inspection at first appointment.
Contact Julia to book - hello@bowen-tech.co.uk or 07964 298337
£10 off your initial (adult) consultation on bookings during July and August 2018. The offer ends on 31st of Aug 2018.
Contact Eva to book - www.evamagathomeopath.co.uk / 07552 054934
Aromatherapy /Therapeutic Massage/Natural Face Lift Massage
****6 one hour treatments for the price of 5****
Pay just £225 for 6 treatments
Contact Ibbi Lidstone to book or more information.
Tel : 07919 897219 or www.blossomheart.co.uk
Hypnotherapy and NLP
Free half hour consultation with Peter- an opportunity to talk about your needs and decide whether Coaching / Hypnotherapy is for you.
Student discount -£5 off all full price appointments. Student ID/card must be available for inspection at first appointment
Contact Peter - www.pbcoachingandtherapies.co.uk / 07912 343265